About The Mogul Proof of Origin event — Original Painting Burn and NFT Auction
How Rob Prior’s first-ever NFT sets art brought the world to a halt
The initial meeting between Mogul Productions and Rob Prior about collaborating on a project, was never pictured with a happy ending of Rob burning his original painting live on camera, revealing a unique NFT based on the painting, and then watching that NFT sell for 5,500,000 STARS tokens on the Mogul platform approximately ~$182,050 USD.
This event made May 27, 2021, a historic day not just for blockchain and cryptocurrencies, but for the art world as a whole.
Famous Marvel & DC Comics artist Rob Prior unveiled and then burned an original painting live on Mogul Productions’ YouTube channel at roughly 4:30 pm PDT so that it might live on eternity as a single ERC-1155 NFT (Non-Fungible Token). This is referred to as the Proof of Origin by Mogul.
The painting, titled “Reign of Money…. what the f$ck,” was inspired by Wolf of Wall Street.
The audience was first treated to a viewing of Prior doing what he does best: painting. He and his brushes (many) moved flawlessly to the sounds of classic rock, which grew stronger and louder as he found his rhythm throughout the night. He is known for his live painting shows.
The audience was seamlessly led between numerous speaker panels and fast updates from Rob by host James Pratt, a globally famous voice best known for his work in the Australian luxury property auction sector.
Popular YouTuber Jesse Wellens, Ted Farnsworth of ZASH Global and ex-MoviePass, Jon Karas of Akoin, Joel Comm of Bad Crypto Podcast, and others were among the distinguished panel of special guest speakers. All of the speakers’ bios can be found here.
Rob was revealing even more of his inventions while he wasn’t painting a Deadpool piece for the camera. The first was a Star Wars painting in which he mentioned his pal Mark Hamill, alias Luke Skywalker, the artwork’s subject.
Then there was a special painting of Elon Musk, Binance’s CZ, and Ethereum’s Vitalik Buterin. Why these three in particular? Holders of Mogul’s STARS token voted on the painting’s subject content.
Deadpool, Skywalker, and the art chosen by the community will all be transformed into NFTs and auctioned off soon. The purchaser will decide whether or not the original is burnt to a char the following time!
The last bid for 5,500,000 STARS tokens, or $182,050 USD, came through on May 28, 2021, right as the clock struck 5:00pm PDT. The ultimate selling price of the very first NFT on Mogul’s platform.
Mogul burnt 50 percent of the total STARS tokens sold at the NFT immediately after the auction ended. This equates to a total of 2,750,000 STARS tokens burned. The transaction can be viewed here.
Prior appeared both nervous and eager about what he was about to perform at the start of the event, speaking about “burned.” So, how did the world-famous artist feel after for the first time in his life ruining one of his paintings?
He described it as “cathartic.”