AMA Session About KoiStarter Launchpad

Bassey Saviour
11 min readNov 18, 2021


On November 12, Creator platform organized an AMA session to reveal the Creator Launchpad — KoiStarter, which generated a lot of buzz. Ms Vivian, the CMO, is in attendance during the meeting. The speaker delivered a thorough and open discussion, highlighting the most crucial aspects of KoiStarter. Here’s a quick rundown of what happened.


Ms Vivian

Hello guys! It’s a pleasure being here to introduce Creator Launchpad — KoiStarter. Looking forward to a great AMA.

Ms Rachel

It’s been a long time since the last Creator’s AMA event on telegram channels. It’s really nice to host an AMA event to introduce Creator’s Launchpad — KoiStarter.

But before we start, let’s take a quick update about Creator’ activities recently

Ms Rachel

1️.KoiStater’s tiers are revealed!

Ms Vivian:

Such important information!

Note this down and start earning KOI points now guys!

Ms Rachel:

2. Launching Creator Staking

Stake $CTR now on: to get reward of CTR with APR up to 28%. The amount of Staking now is 1 Million CTR.

Ms Rachel:

3. DoragonLand Chest Box Sale Event

Creator is super excited to announce that DoragonLand — the project we are incubating — will soon launch the NFT Chest Box Sale on 18th November 2021 and these valuable boxes are accessible to everyone! Since the private pool is applied to CTR Holders only, the very first yet important action to do now is GRAB some CTR as soon as possible. CTR holders who stake more will have a higher chance to be 1-among-100 whitelist winners of Private pool.

  • Time: Nov 18th, 2021, 02:00 PM UTC
  • Whitelist Open: Nov 9th, 2021, 10:00 AM UTC
  • Box types: Starter Box and Rising Dragon Box
  • Quantity: 4,000 boxes

Private Pool Applied for CTR holders

  • An address is limited to 1 Starter Box and max 10 Rising Dragon Boxes
  • Exclusively applied for CTR holders that stake in either a 90-day or 180-day pool in Creator, minimum 500 $CTR.
  • Whitelist Winners: 100 users (Whitelist winners are prioritized to buy Chests in the first 60 minutes)
  • Top 100 CTR holders with highest staking amount and buy at least 1 Starter or Rising Dragon box will be rewarded with 1,000 $DOR per person

4️. CTR get new ATH, peaked at 0.792$

⚡️x10 private sale price $0.08

⚡️x8 public sale price $0.1

⚡️x3 last lowest price

Ms Vivian:

Impressive! I bet Creator holders have been thrilled about this.

Ms Rachel

And now, let’s move to our AMA session today:

There will be 3 segments of AMA!

👉Twitter questions (5)

In this segment, Creator will select 5 Twitter questions about KoiStarter Launchpad and help our community to clarify and understand fully about project.

👉Live questions (5)

In this segment, Everyone will be given 180 seconds to raise your questions. Tagging for the guests is not allowed.

👉Quiz questions (5)

In this segment, Creator will provide 5 quiz questions and define correct answers to aggregate the total score and select 5 winners at the end of the quiz session.

Ms Rachel:

Let’s start with our first segment: Twitter questions (5 Questions).

Question 1: What is the most unique feature of Koistarter LaunchPad compared to other famous LaunchPad currently? @DannyBolasie

Ms Vivian:

I love this question. Let me share with you about the potential characteristics that distinguish the Koistarter Launchpad from the other ecosystem players.

Multi-chain support

Koistarter supports Ethereum and BSC pools and will soon support Polygon pools and Creator pools after rigorous testing on the testnet.

Backed by Creator

With a cutting-edge platform and blockchain experts from Creator Chain Network, KOIStarter is confident to bring you a high secured system you can trust.


KOIStarter is creating a fair launchpad and fair distribution rewards for all participants, you can enjoy the benefits of inclusive guaranteed allocation tier and first-come-first-serve based on the pool weights assigned to participate in our IDO’s rounds.

Highly-vetted and Profitable projects

All ideas will be carefully hand-picked through rigorous testing rounds by our R&D team before launching on KOIStarter

Incubation for Projects

Not only a launchpad, KOIStarter will be a partner who supports you in pre-marketing, executing the sales events, token listing, staking, vesting, and liquidity mining after the sales.

Supportive community from Creator Platform

Empowered by Creator Platform, KOIStarter makes the most of that competitive edge, enjoying the strong and constructive impact from the Creator Community and Ecosystem.

Ms Rachel:

Yeah, very promising!

Thanks Vivian, let’s move on to question 2.

Question 2. How much token I want stake to earn 1000 koi points? So many launchpads are just made for a rich people, So my question was any community rounds are available in your launchpad? @DGuravareddy

Ms Vivian:

Koistarter makes use of the Creator platform’s native CTR as a utility token. So, you need to stake CTR tokens to be equivalent in KOI point. 1 CTR token = 1 KOI point. If you want to have 1000 KOI points, you should stake 1000 CTR tokens.

And yes, I understand your feeling that some launchpads are hard to join IDO due to high cost. KoiStarter is borned for everyone to join the IDO of high-vetted projects. Let’s have a look at our Tier table. You just need to stake a minimum 500 CTR tokens to be generated as Tier Matsu (1).

Ms Rachel:

I believe our community is pleased with this four tier.

Question 3: What is the criteria needed to launch a project on #KoiStarter?


Ms Vivian:

To launch a token in our launchpad, you need to apply for the registration form which is available on November 16, 2021. After receiving your registered information, we will have a team who evaluate your projects.

These will be some points that we will prioritize in projects:

- The idea of projects. At this moment, we prefer NFT and DeFi projects

- The development strategy

- The project team.

- Backers of the project

We will work seriously to bring high-vetted projects to our community.

Ms Rachel:

Hope this is all clear guys! We welcome all projects to apply for IDO.

Question 4: What is your strategy to attract new users and investors to your platform and retain them long-term? @KhangDu76084497

Ms Vivian:

KoiStarter strategy is focusing on our unique features, which defines our launchpad’s unique position in the market. With high transparency and secured platform, and also comes along with fair distribution, we believe that KoiStarter is a high quality launchpad where everyone can trust.

Not only a launchpad, KOIStarter will be a partner who supports all projects in pre-marketing, executing the sales events, token listing, staking, vesting, and liquidity mining after the sales. Besides, backed by Creator with many great partners, we are supported with many strong communities who are willing to join IDO.

Ms Rachel:

Finnal Twitter Question is here!

Question 5. I’ve heard that you have many projects lined up for IDOs on KoiStarter. So how should I do to join whitelist for these IDOs? I really want to have slots to buy IDO. Could you instruct me on this? @Jennie20410

Ms Vivian:

Let’s look the process as the picture show:

Well, the flow of joining IDO is as below: Connect Wallet ⇒ KYC ⇒ Stake CTR tokens ⇒ Join Whitelist ⇒ Deposit ⇒ Claim token.

Tier Kiku (4) are guaranteed to buy in th Pre-Order Round.

Being Tier Ume (3), you are surely to buy IDO at Guaranteed Round.

For Tier Matsu (1) and Take (2), if you are the whitelist winner, you can continue to buy IDO at the FCFS round.

After the Deposit phase has finished, you are able to Claim your tokens. The claim schedule is based on each project, hence check the claim schedule carefully before joining the pool.

Note for everyone that: Examining KYC will take time, you should KYC right after the launch of KoiStarter to be verified soon and get ready for the IDO days.

For more detail about instruction:

Ms Rachel:

With 5 interesting questions, we have ended the part 1

Now it’s time to start our second segment: Live Questions

Here are some instructions just for reminder for our beloved community

Before going chat go through the instructions given below for free ask section rules👇

📌 In this Session, we will unmute the chat for 60 seconds so everyone can send their Questions to participate in the AMA.


🔺 Each participant is allowed to send 3 Different Questions.

🔺 But each message contains 1 questions.

🔺 You are not allowed to copy other’s participant question otherwise you will not receive the reward even you won.

🔺 Copied question from other AMAs will be disqualified.

🔺 Avoid tagging the guest or its username ( Remember you are not the only one questioning)

🚫In order to be eligible for any prizes , you need to do the following:

— You will need to have joined Telegram Group:

I will open group after 15 seconds. Are you ready mate?

Ms Vivian:

I’m readyyyyyyyyy


Chat opens in







Ms Rachel:

Time’s up! We will choose to answer 5 questions now.

Vivian, you’re free to choose 5 questions to answer.

Ms Vivian:


Out of my imagination, guys

Please let me take a few mins to pick the question

Yeah, let me start with the first question from @Whyhanna

1.Does hoding ctr ob gate count!?

Well, this will NOT be counted. If you stake CTR on KyberDMM or Unifarm it does count either!

You need to stake CTR into Creator’s Staking Pools on

And I’d like to stress here that by staking in Creator Pools you not only have chance to buy IDOs on KoiStarter but also can join whitelist to buy exclusive NFTs on Mirana, have right to vote Stake CTR into Governance Vault and receive rewards in tokens of other projects (DoragonLand, Goen, etc.)

The benefits are countless! Don’t hesitate to put your CTR in Creator Staking Pools, guys!

Ms Vivian:

Nice question! @FixNix2

2. If I stake CRT now with no lock up, it is eligible also for Koistarter IDO´s ?

No lock-up pool: you can stake and unstake any moment you want. This pool allows you to earn a fixed APR of 3–5% of the initial fund you stake.

Ms Vivian:

3rd question guys!

3. The KYC process require my ETH address? Can I choose BSC? My CTR are on BSC. @LebronJames

You can choose the network Ethereum and BSC. We support both BSC and ETH networks and will soon support Polygon pools and Creator pools after rigorous testing on the testnet.

Ms Vivian:

4. Currently from where i can buy ? Is it possible that I can get only by holding it? @YvetteAvery

At the moment, CTR tokens are available to trade on:



And KyberDMM:

After buying CTR tokens, you should stake at least 500 CTR tokens on Creator Staking pools by this link:

Or you can stake CTR tokens directly on KoiStarter, which will be available on November 16, 2021.

After staking CTR tokens, you will be generated as a respective Tiers to join IDO.

Ms Vivian:

Hey, Congrats! @underhill48

5. Can you please explain what are the advantages of using your Platform and is it friendly for beginners like me?

As we have mentioned above, while there are many launchpads released everyday, we develop our own launchpad with some outstanding features which make us apart from others including: high transparency and secured platform which is based on Creator BaaS platform, fair distribution, Highly-vetted and Profitable projects, Incubation for Projects, Supportive community from Creator Platform. We believe that, with those unique points, KoiStarter is the best choice for both potential startup blockchain projects and investors who want to join IDO.

Ms Rachel:


Questions like rain from our community. Thank you for your support to Creator and KoiStarter!

Get ready for the ‘Quiz Segment’

Please pay attention to this guys!

📌Here is the rule:

We will ask 5 questions. Each question we will open chat 60s for you to send your answer. Each person can give only 1 answer.

The one with the first correct answer will become the winner!

Get ready! The first question starts in 30s.




  1. When will Creator Launchpad — KoiStarter launch?


16 nov


16 nov

@Fall in love ||

18/11/2021 2pm utc


16 November 2021


18/11/2021 2pm utc






18/11/2021 2pm


18/11 2pm

Ms Rachel:

[In reply to Serkan]

Oh yeah, you got the correct answer! 🎉

Ms Rachel:

  1. What is the first IDO project on Koistarter?

@Fall in love ||, [11/12/2021 6:02 PM]

Nft chest box









@Try hard




Ms Rachel:

[In reply to Serkan]

You’re so fast and furious. 🥳🥳Congrats!!

Give next 3 questions for others, hehe

Ms Rachel:

  1. How many $CTR do you need to stake to get a guaranteed public sale allocation?



@White Hanna


@Try hard






Ms Rachel:

[In reply to Abdul]

Congrats the third winners!! 🎉🎉

Another easy question coming ~~

Ms Rachel:

  1. How many Tiers of Koistarter Launchpad?

@ Fall in love ||


@Nick | 🥦





4 Tiers





@Try hard




@Aravind 🔺








@Fall in love ||

matsu, take, ume, kiku

Ms Rachel:

[In reply to Nick | 🥦]

Oh wooh, you’re correct! 🥰

@nguyenben you’re the earliest but you answered twice. So sorry

The last chance!!

Ms Rachel:

5. What is the correct order of Koistarter tiers from 1 to 4?






@Aravind 🔺

50000matsu, take, ume, kiku

@Try hard

matsu take ume kiku

@Nick | 🥦



matsu, take, ume, kiku

@Aravind 🔺

[In reply to Aravind 🔺]

matsu, take, ume, kiku

Ms Rachel:

[In reply to Jaki]

Oh right! Congrats Jaki. You’re the last winners

Ms Rachel:

The ‘Quiz Segment’ has finished!

🏆 Congratulations to the winners!

Ms Rachel:

Thanks Ms Vivian. What a fantastic experience! Please look forward to our further development along with announcements in the short run, as well as other AMAs coming. Cheers!

Ms Vivian:

Thank you so much for taking your time to join our AMA today, as well as thanks for many good questions from our community.

Thanks Ms Rachel for hosting a great AMA today. I’m so pleased when you guys show lots of attention to our project.

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Bassey Saviour
Bassey Saviour

Written by Bassey Saviour

Web3 Content Strategist and Community Manager.

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