Building a Safe Blockchain Ecosystem— the developer pocket book.

Bassey Saviour
22 min readJan 31, 2023


After spending my Christmas reading over 100 articles on Blockchain security ,I discovered that since 2020, hackers have planned to steal over $500 million by the next bull run and you may be on the watchlist. 😳

In a world where a single hack can result in the loss of millions of dollars, it’s essential to understand the security risks associated with blockchain and what measures are being taken to address them.

Blockchain technology has emerged as a revolutionary tool with the potential to transform a wide range of industries, from finance to supply chain management to digital identity.

However, as with any new and innovative technology, security remains a major concern. The very qualities that make blockchain so appealing — its immutability and decentralized nature—also make it a prime target for malicious actors.

High-profile hacks, such as the one that led to the loss of over $50 million in the DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) attack, have served as a stark reminder of the risks associated with blockchain.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the security landscape in blockchain technology. We’ll explore the different types of security threats faced by blockchain systems, the current measures in place to address these threats, and highlight some top players providing secure systems that promise to take blockchain security to the next level.

With the global blockchain market expected to grow to $39.7 billion by 2025, it’s more important than ever to ensure that this promising technology is secure and able to deliver on its potential. So, especially for developers, this article provides a comprehensive look at the state of security in blockchain technology, and whether you’re a seasoned investor, a curious onlooker, or simply someone looking to protect your digital assets, sit back, relax, and get ready to dive into the world of blockchain security.

What is Blockchain?

C’mon, you don’t want us to go over this yet again right? 👍 👎

Alright! Since you voted 👍

Here’s a summary .👇

Blockchain technology is a decentralized, distributed ledger that records transactions across a network of computers. It was originally developed to serve as the underlying technology for the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin. However, it has since been recognized as a transformative technology with the potential to revolutionize a wide range of industries beyond finance.

One of the key features of blockchain technology is its decentralization, which eliminates the need for a central authority to validate transactions. This makes it possible to create trust and transparency in a wide range of use cases. For example:

  1. Cryptocurrency: Bitcoin was the first decentralized cryptocurrency that used blockchain technology as its underlying system. Since then, many other cryptocurrencies have emerged, each with its own unique features and use cases. Cryptocurrencies have the potential to disrupt traditional finance and payment systems by offering a more secure, transparent, and accessible way to transfer value.
  2. Supply chain management: Blockchain technology can be used to create a transparent and secure supply chain that can be accessed by all stakeholders in real time. This can help to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and increase transparency in the supply chain process. For example, blockchain technology can be used to track the flow of goods, verify the authenticity of products, and reduce the risk of counterfeiting.
  3. Digital identity: Blockchain technology can be used to create a secure and decentralized digital identity that is resistant to theft and fraud. This can be used for a variety of purposes, including financial transactions, voting, and more. A decentralized digital identity system can help to improve security and privacy and increase access to services for people who might otherwise be excluded from traditional systems.
  4. Voting: Blockchain technology can be used to create secure and transparent voting systems that are resistant to fraud and manipulation. This can help to improve the transparency and integrity of election processes and increase public trust in the outcome of elections. Blockchain-based voting systems can be used to create tamper-proof records of votes, and to ensure that only eligible voters are able to participate.

These are just a few examples of the many potential uses of blockchain technology. As the technology continues to evolve and mature, we can expect to see many more exciting applications in the future.

Now let's talk security!


Security in blockchain🔐

“Imagine a world where hackers can easily access and modify financial transactions, personal data, and other sensitive information stored on a blockchain."The consequences would be dire, and trust in the technology would be lost.”

Let’s get an IDEA of blockchain security.

Blockchain security refers to the various measures, techniques, and protocols employed to protect blockchain-based systems from unauthorized access, modification, or exploitation. This includes ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data stored on the blockchain, as well as the security of the nodes and users that interact with the system.

In a blockchain, transactions are recorded in blocks that are linked together in a chain. This chain of blocks creates a decentralized, distributed ledger that is maintained by a network of nodes. To ensure the security and integrity of this ledger, blockchain security must address a range of threats, including hacking, malicious software, and other cyber attacks.

The security of a blockchain system is achieved through a combination of cryptography, consensus algorithms, and network design. Cryptography provides the basis for secure data transfer and storage, while consensus algorithms ensure that all nodes on the network have a consistent view of the ledger. Network design and implementation also play a crucial role in the security of a blockchain system, as they determine the level of decentralization and distribution of the network.

Security variations among different blockchain systems

As the use of blockchain technology continues to grow and evolve, it is important to understand the nuances of security among different blockchain systems. Each type of blockchain, whether it’s a public blockchain like Bitcoin or a private blockchain used for enterprise purposes, has its own unique features and security protocols. These variations can greatly impact the overall level of security provided to users.

Blockchain technology can be broadly categorized into three types:

  • Public: Open and decentralized, allowing anyone to participate. They are secured through consensus mechanisms such as PoW or PoS, and their open-source nature ensures transparency and trust. Examples: Bitcoin, Ethereum.
  • Private: Restricted access for select trusted participants. They offer faster and more scalable options, but less security and privacy with control centralized. Examples: Hyperledger, R3 Corda.
  • Consortium: A mix of public and private, with a group of organizations sharing control for improved security and privacy compared to public blockchains and increased scalability compared to private.Examples: Energy Web Chain, Bankchain.

The level of security in a blockchain system varies based on the type of blockchain and the specific implementation of its consensus mechanism, network architecture, and security measures.

Public blockchains, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, use decentralized consensus mechanisms, such as PoW or PoS, to secure the network and validate transactions. However, they are more vulnerable to 51% attacks and other forms of malicious behavior from malicious actors due to their openness.

On the other hand, private blockchains have centralized control, providing improved security and efficiency, but sacrificing decentralization and transparency.

Consortium blockchains offer a compromise, with a balance of control and decentralization, but the level of security can still depend on the specific implementation and the trustworthiness of the consortium participants.

Additionally, all blockchain systems must address potential security threats such as hacking, theft, and fraud, which can occur at various points in the network, such as in the consensus mechanism, smart contracts, or user accounts.

Did you get here? 👀 If yes, reward yourself with coffee ☕️and BRACE UP!!


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The decentralized and transparent nature of blockchain technology makes it a secure system, but it’s not immune to attacks. In recent years, the number of incidents of blockchain-based cyberattacks has increased, and the potential impact of these attacks is significant. This makes it crucial for blockchain users and developers to be aware of the different types of attacks that exist and how to protect themselves against them.

In this section, we will discuss the various types of attacks on blockchain systems, including:

  • 51% Attack
  • Double-Spending Attack
  • Sybil Attack
  • Routing Attack
  • Smart Contract Attack

Each type of attack presents its own unique set of challenges, and it’s essential to understand the mechanisms behind each one to effectively defend against them.

- 51% Attack:

source- cointelegraph

Ethereum Classic is a famous victim of this malicious attack with an estimated loss of $ 1.1 million.❤️‍🩹


A 51% attack refers to a situation where a single malicious miner or group of miners controls more than 50% of the computational power on a blockchain network, enabling them to alter the blockchain ledger and carry out malicious activities.

In a 51% attack, the attacker can double-spend coins, prevent new transactions from being confirmed, or even reverse previously confirmed transactions. This results in the hijacking of the blockchain network, allowing the attacker to modify transactions and halt all mining activities.

This type of attack is possible because of the distributed nature of blockchain, where there is no central authority to prevent malicious activities.

To mitigate the risk of a 51% attack, blockchain networks such as Bitcoin use a Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanism, which requires significant computational power and resources to carry out a 51% attack.

Famous Victims of a 51% Attack?

Vertcoin ($VTC):

Vertcoin, which is designed to resist monopolization by ASIC mining, was surprised by multiple 51% attacks in 2018. The cryptocurrency lost $100,000 worth of coins due to double-spending by an entity that gained enough computing power from NiceHash. This led to the reorganization of over 300 blocks on the network and a hard fork.

Bitcoin Gold ($BTG):

Bitcoin Gold suffered from double-spending twice, with the first attack resulting in $18 million worth of BTG being stolen in May 2018. The second attack, which took place in late January, saw over 7,000 BTG being double-spent within two days due to two major blockchain reorganizations.

Grin ($):

The privacy-focused cryptocurrency GRIN recently experienced a 51% attack in November 2020, in which an anonymous entity gained control over 58.1% of the network hash rate, resulting in a stopped payout.

Ethereum Classic ($ETC):

Ethereum Classic experienced three 51% attacks in August 2020, leading to crypto exchange Coinbase halting all ETC deposits and withdrawals. Each of the attacks occurred within the same month, with the first taking place on August 1st, the second on August 6th, and the last on August 29th.

-Double-Spending Attack:

source- researchgate

Double-spending is a type of attack on a blockchain network where a malicious user tries to spend the same digital asset more than once. This is achieved by using the same coins in multiple transactions simultaneously, creating conflicting transactions in the network.

If the attacker is successful in executing the double-spend, they can trick the network into accepting a fake transaction, while the real transaction is ignored. This results in the attacker getting to keep the coins, while the network is left with an incorrect and inconsistent ledger.

Double-spending attacks are prevented through the use of consensus mechanisms in blockchain networks, such as Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS), which ensure that only valid transactions are added to the blockchain. However, if an attacker acquires a significant amount of computing power, they can attempt to carry out a 51% attack, which gives them control over the network and allows them to carry out a double-spend.

- Sybil Attack:

source- semanticscholar

A Sybil attack is a type of attack in a decentralized network where a malicious node creates multiple fake identities to manipulate the network’s reputation and gain control over it. The attacker creates multiple fake identities, or nodes, and spreads them throughout the network to increase their influence. These fake nodes can then be used to manipulate the network’s reputation and skew voting results, compromise the network’s security, and attack its infrastructure.

The impact of a Sybil attack can vary depending on the specific network, but it often results in decreased trust, decreased reputation, and decreased security for the network as a whole. Some potential effects of a Sybil attack include the censorship of legitimate nodes, the manipulation of consensus algorithms, and the disruption of network communication and data exchange.


In a direct attack, the sybil node directly influences the honest nodes (s).

In an indirect assault, a node that communicates directly with the sybil node attacks the honest node(s) (s). This middle node is infected because Sybil node is using it to spread malware (s).

A network must be designed with strong identity verification methods in order to thwart a Sybil assault. Digital signatures, reputation systems, and other mechanisms that are intended to verify the legitimacy of network nodes can be used to do this.

Furthermore, it’s crucial to keep an eye out for any indications of a Sybil assault on the network and take the necessary precautions to stop it from spreading if it does.

Routing Attack:

source- researchgate

A routing attack in a blockchain network is a malicious activity where a malicious participant intercepts or manipulates the transmission of information between nodes in the network. The attacker manipulates the communication channels between nodes to misdirect or redirect the flow of information. This type of attack can have a significant impact on the security and integrity of the blockchain network.

Routing attacks can be classified into several types

Link-layer attacks- also known as physical-layer attacks, involve tampering with the physical components of the network, such as cables and devices. This type of attack can result in the interception or alteration of data transmission, and in the worst case, it can completely disrupt the network.

Network-layer attacks- involve manipulating the routing protocol used in the network to disrupt the flow of information. This can result in the redirection of data packets to a different destination, the interception of data packets, or the creation of false information.

Transport-layer attacks- involve manipulating the protocol used to transmit data between nodes. This type of attack can result in the alteration or interception of data in transit, as well as the disruption of the network by overloading it with false requests.

Routing attacks are very detailed and this in turn has led to the further exploration of different forms including:

  • Network Partitioning: The attacker splits the network into multiple isolated parts, preventing nodes from communicating with each other and disrupting the normal flow of information.
  • Routing Table Corruption: The attacker modifies the routing table of a node, causing it to route its data to a malicious node instead of a legitimate one.
  • Node Isolation: The attacker isolates a node from the rest of the network, preventing it from receiving important information and potentially causing a denial-of-service (DoS) attack.
  • Message Fabrication: The attacker creates false messages and inserts them into the network, leading to false information being disseminated and potentially causing incorrect decisions to be made by nodes.
  • Packet Dropping: This attack involves the intentional dropping of packets, which can cause delays in the transmission of data or result in lost transactions.
  • Packet Injection: This attack involves injecting false or malicious packets into the network, which can confuse network participants or alter the transmission of data.
  • Packet Modification: This attack involves modifying the contents of packets as they are transmitted through the network, which can result in incorrect data being recorded on the blockchain.
  • Packet Spoofing: This attack involves impersonating another node in the network and sending false or malicious packets, which can trick network participants into accepting false data.

To further butress, here’s a written illustration from astra.

Routing attacks can have serious consequences for a blockchain network, leading to a loss of trust, reduced reliability, and potentially, financial losses. It is essential for blockchain networks to implement measures to prevent and detect routing attacks to maintain their security and integrity.

Smart Contract Attack:

source- semanticscholar

A smart contract attack is a type of attack on blockchain systems that targets smart contracts, which are self-executing computer programs that automatically enforce the terms of a contract. Smart contracts are commonly used in decentralized applications (dapps) and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) to automate processes and enforce rules without the need for intermediaries.

However, smart contracts can also be vulnerable to attacks, which can compromise the security and privacy of the underlying blockchain network. Smart contract attacks can be classified into several types, including:

  • Reentrancy attacks: These attacks occur when a smart contract is designed in such a way that it can be repeatedly called by an attacker, leading to an infinite loop. This can cause the smart contract to run out of funds, resulting in the depletion of the contract’s balance.
  • Integer Overflow/Underflow: This attack occurs when the integer values in a smart contract are not properly checked and can lead to unintended results. For example, if a contract is meant to send 1 ETH to a recipient but the integer value representing ETH overflows, the contract may end up sending a significantly larger amount.
  • Unchecked External Calls: Smart contracts that make calls to external contracts or APIs without proper validation or security checks can be vulnerable to attacks. For example, an attacker could modify the contract’s behavior by replacing the external contract or API with a malicious one.
  • Denial of Service (DoS): A DoS attack on a smart contract can occur when the contract is designed in such a way that it can be easily overwhelmed by a large number of requests. This can cause the contract to stop functioning, effectively rendering it useless.
  • Inadequate Access Controls: Smart contracts that lack proper access controls can be exploited by malicious individuals to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information or funds. For example, an attacker could use a smart contract’s lack of access controls to drain the contract’s balance or access confidential information.

It’s crucial for developers to carefully consider the potential security risks and implement proper security measures when designing and deploying smart contracts. This includes thoroughly testing and auditing the code, using well-established programming languages, and keeping software up to date with the latest security patches.

Still there? 👀 sip some more coffee, our HEROs are close by🕺💃

Current security measures in blockchain

Blockchain technology, being a decentralized and immutable ledger, has become a popular target for malicious actors seeking to exploit vulnerabilities in the system. As a result, various security measures have been implemented to ensure the safety and integrity of blockchain systems. In this article, we’ll discuss the current security measures in blockchain technology.

  1. Cryptographic Hashing: Cryptographic hashing is the foundation of blockchain security, with each block containing a unique hash value that verifies its authenticity.
  2. Digital Signatures: Digital signatures are used to verify the authenticity of transactions in a blockchain network.
  3. Consensus Mechanisms: Consensus mechanisms ensure that all participants in a blockchain network agree on the state of the ledger and prevent malicious actors from tampering with it. Examples of consensus mechanisms include Proof of Work (PoW), Proof of Stake (PoS), and Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS).
  4. Encryption: Encryption is used to protect the privacy of transactions and sensitive information stored in a blockchain network. Advanced encryption algorithms such as AES, RSA, and SHA are widely used in blockchain networks.
  5. Multisignature (Multi-sig) Wallets: Multi-sig wallets require multiple signatures from authorized users before transactions can be executed, providing an added layer of security.
  6. Smart Contract Auditing: Smart contracts are self-executing code that can be vulnerable to security exploits. To prevent these exploits, smart contracts are regularly audited by security experts to identify and fix vulnerabilities.
  7. Decentralized Identity Management: Decentralized identity management systems use blockchain technology to secure and manage user identities, reducing the risk of identity theft and fraud.
  8. Continuous Monitoring and Updating: Regular monitoring and updating of blockchain systems can help to identify and fix security vulnerabilities in a timely manner.

Additionally, blockchain technology also employs various security protocols, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and anti-malware software, to detect and prevent unauthorized access to the network.


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Preventing Blockchain Security Problems

Blockchain technology, although considered secure, is not immune to security risks and attacks. To prevent security problems in the blockchain, it is important to implement various security measures at different levels of the blockchain network.

These measures aim to protect the network from external and internal threats, secure transactions, and maintain the integrity of the blockchain data. Some common methods used to prevent security issues in the blockchain include:

  • Strong Passwords and Encryption: The use of strong passwords and encryption algorithms is crucial in protecting blockchain systems from unauthorized access.
  • Private Key Management: Private keys are used to access a user’s cryptocurrency holdings and should be kept secure at all times. This can be achieved through the use of hardware wallets, multi-sig wallets, or other secure methods of key storage.
  • Software Upgrades: Regular software upgrades are important to ensure that the blockchain system remains secure against the latest threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Network Monitoring: The blockchain network should be constantly monitored to detect any malicious activity and prevent potential attacks. This includes monitoring for suspicious transactions, network traffic, and other anomalies.
  • Smart Contract Audits: Smart contracts are self-executing computer programs that are used in blockchain systems. They should be regularly audited to ensure that they are functioning as intended and do not contain any vulnerabilities.
  • Strict Adherence to Blockchain Protocols: The blockchain protocols should be strictly followed to ensure the integrity and security of the network. This includes adhering to consensus mechanisms, network protocols, and other security measures.
  • Education and Awareness: Finally, education and awareness are key to preventing security problems in blockchain technology. Users should be aware of the potential security risks and take steps to protect their assets and information.
  • Decentralization: A decentralized network is inherently more secure than a centralized network as there is no single point of failure. This can be achieved by using a distributed consensus mechanism, such as Proof of Work (PoW) or Proof of Stake (PoS).

By implementing these measures, organizations can reduce the risk of security problems in their blockchain systems and protect their assets and information from potential threats.

Proof Of Work{POW} in blockchain security .

Proof of Work (PoW) is a consensus mechanism used by many blockchain networks as a way to secure their network and validate transactions. PoW functions by requiring nodes (or “miners”) to perform a complex mathematical calculation in order to validate a block of transactions and add it to the blockchain. The node that completes the calculation first is rewarded with new coins and the ability to validate the transactions in the new block.

There are several algorithms commonly used in PoW systems, including:

  1. SHA-256: This is the algorithm used by Bitcoin and several other cryptocurrencies. It involves performing a double SHA-256 hash function on a block header, which is a combination of the current block information and a nonce (a random number).

The SHA-256 algorithm is used by Bitcoin to hash data in the candidate block’s head. To see if the hash is smaller, it is initialized and compared to the objective. If that does not work, the nonce value is changed, and it is tried again. 256 bits, or 64 hexadecimal digits, is the ideal length.

Lets Understand the SHA-256 algorithm…

2. Scrypt: This is an algorithm designed to be memory-intensive, making it more difficult for specialized hardware (ASICs) to dominate the mining process.

3. Ethash: This is the algorithm used by Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies that use the Ethreum blockchain. It is designed to be ASIC-resistant and memory-intensive, ensuring that the mining process remains decentralized.

4. CryptoNight: This is a CPU-friendly PoW algorithm used by several cryptocurrencies, including Monero. It is designed to be more secure against potential ASIC domination of the network.

The choice of PoW algorithm will depend on the specific goals and requirements of a blockchain network. PoW algorithms that are more secure and resistant to centralization will require more resources and computational power, while less secure algorithms will be easier to implement but potentially less secure.

Future developments in blockchain security

Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize a variety of industries and secure financial transactions, however, its success heavily depends on the security of the technology. As the number of blockchain users continues to grow, so does the importance of finding ways to prevent and mitigate security threats.

In this section, we will look at some of the future developments in blockchain security that have the potential to enhance the overall security of the technology.

  • Quantum Computing: Quantum computing is expected to play a crucial role in the future of blockchain security. With quantum computing’s ability to solve complex problems faster and more accurately than traditional computers, the technology has the potential to break current cryptographic algorithms. To mitigate this threat, researchers are exploring ways to develop quantum-resistant algorithms that can secure blockchain networks.
  • AI and Machine Learning: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are two other technological advancements that are expected to play a significant role in future blockchain security. By utilizing AI and ML, blockchain networks can automatically identify and prevent malicious activities such as 51% attacks and double-spending.
  • Decentralized Identity Management: Decentralized identity management systems have the potential to significantly enhance the security of blockchain networks. By allowing users to manage their own identities and data, this technology eliminates the need for central authorities to hold sensitive information, reducing the risk of data breaches.
  • Blockchain Interoperability: Interoperability between different blockchain networks is another area of future development in blockchain security. By allowing different blockchain networks to communicate and exchange data with each other, blockchain interoperability can help reduce the risk of security breaches and increase the overall security of the technology.
  • Hardware Security Modules:Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) are special devices that provide secure storage for cryptographic keys and digital certificates. As the use of blockchain technology continues to grow, the importance of HSMs will also increase, as they provide a secure way to store critical data such as private keys and seed phrases.

Cybersecurity and Blockchain

Cybersecurity for blockchain is an essential aspect of the technology’s development and growth. As the use of blockchain and cryptocurrencies continues to increase, the threat of cyber attacks also increases. In order to mitigate these threats and protect users’ assets, various measures and technologies have been developed. Some of the most common measures include the use of encryption, multi-factor authentication, and secure storage solutions.

One of the key measures for improving the security of blockchain is the use of encryption which ensures that sensitive information such as private keys, passwords, and other confidential data is protected against unauthorized access.

How it works…

This is achieved by converting plaintext into ciphertext, which can only be decrypted by authorized parties. There are various encryption algorithms used in blockchain, including AES, RSA, and Blowfish.

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is another measure used to enhance the security of blockchain. MFA requires users to provide two or more factors of authentication, such as a password and a biometric, to access their accounts. This helps to prevent unauthorized access and protects against account takeover attacks.

Secure storage solutions, such as hardware wallets, are also crucial for improving the security of blockchain. These wallets provide a secure way to store private keys and other sensitive information, which helps to protect against cyber attacks. Hardware wallets are designed to be tamper-resistant and provide an additional layer of security to the blockchain network.

To combat blockchain cyber attacks, some web3 companies are providing users with a range of cybersecurity solutions for blockchain. Some of the TOP PLAYERS in this space include:

  1. Certik: Certik is a leading blockchain and smart contract security firm that provides formal verification and audits of various blockchain-based applications and protocols. Their services aim to ensure the security, reliability and trustworthiness of these applications. With its cutting-edge technology, it aims to make blockchain technology more accessible and secure for businesses, governments and users alike. Certik has a team of experts in cryptography, programming languages, and formal verification that work together to identify and solve any security issues in the blockchain and smart contract ecosystem.
  2. Mythril: Mythril is a cybersecurity company that focuses on providing security solutions for smart contracts and decentralized applications built on the Ethereum blockchain. The company offers various tools and services such as automated smart contract analysis, real-time monitoring, and on-demand security assessments to identify and prevent potential security threats. Mythril uses cutting-edge technology, including symbolic execution and formal verification, to analyze and secure smart contracts, ensuring their safety and reliability. The company’s mission is to make decentralized systems more secure and trustworthy, and to promote the widespread adoption of blockchain technology.
  3. ConsenSys Diligence: ConsenSys Diligence is a security division of ConsenSys, a leading blockchain company focused on Ethereum. It provides a range of security services to help businesses and organizations secure their blockchain applications and smart contracts. The division employs a team of experienced security experts who use a combination of manual and automated techniques to identify and mitigate security risks. They offer security audits, penetration testing, and smart contract security assessments to help ensure that blockchain systems are secure and resilient. With a focus on quality and innovation, ConsenSys Diligence is helping to advance the state of blockchain security and is well positioned to help organizations navigate the challenges of securing blockchain systems.
  4. Blowfish: This is a web3 company that provides users with cybersecurity solutions for blockchain. It offers an advanced encryption algorithm, called the Blowfish algorithm, to secure blockchain transactions and ensure the privacy of users’ data. The company’s platform is designed to be easy to use and provides a secure environment for users to transact on the blockchain. By incorporating cutting-edge technology, aims to offer its users a secure, reliable and seamless experience in the fast-growing blockchain industry.
  5. Peckshield: Peckshield is a leading cybersecurity company that specializes in providing security solutions for blockchain networks. Founded in 2017, Peckshield has quickly become a leading player in the blockchain security industry. The company provides a comprehensive range of security solutions that help to protect blockchain networks from various threats, including hacking and exploitation attacks. The solutions provided by Peckshield include smart contract security assessments, security audits, and real-time security monitoring. Additionally, Peckshield also offers customized solutions for individual blockchain networks, ensuring that the security of the network is tailored to meet the specific requirements of each customer.

To mention but a few,these companies offer secure storage solutions, multi-factor authentication, and other security measures that help to protect against cyber attacks.


In conclusion, blockchain technology has come a long way in terms of security. The increasing use of blockchain in various industries and applications highlights the need for robust security measures. From blockchain consensus algorithms like Proof of Work and Proof of Stake to companies that specialize in blockchain security like Blowfish, web3 companies are playing a significant role in providing secure solutions to users.

The future of blockchain security looks promising with the continuous development of new security measures and the integration of existing solutions. To ensure the safety and security of the valuable assets stored in the blockchain, it is important to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in blockchain security.

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