How to add CTR token to Trust Wallet
You can now add CTR Token to Trustwallet. Here are the steps that you can do to manually add the token as written by the creator team and summarized by me.
1: Download Trust Wallet application
You can do that here
Step 2: Access Search Token Screen
Step 3: Get Custom Token Information
Get it here
Option 1:
Using the information taken from Etherscan (Token Name, Symbol, Contract Address and Decimal), carefully fill up the required Token details.
Tap on Done once you are done.
Option 2
Tap on the “Contract” address under “Profile Summary” to get to the Token Tracker page. On the upper left you can see the Contract address.
There will be a button there that you can click on to show the QR code details.
Tap the “Scanner” icon beside “Paste” and scan the QR code
Step 4: Token Successfully Added
Now your token has been added successfully and you can now get more $CTR and HODL