Uniswap has more than 300,000 monthly active users, according to Dune Analytics. The protocol added approximately 2000 new farmers per day in the month of March. We’re excited to announce the Mogul Growth Farming program to draw these users to the Mogul ecosystem and get us closer to harnessing the strength of the crowd and using crowd intelligence from STARS holders to make fan-driven and transparent independent films.
STARS holders’ collective wisdom can be used to create fan-driven and open independent films.
Mogul Growth Farming, a fork of Sushi Master Chef, will allow Mogul group members to stake their tokens and gain more STARS over the next few months. Sushiswap, who had the most popular user acquisition-driven farming campaign in the industry, was the inspiration for this contract.
The audit of the contract was performed by Zokyo Labs and can be seen here.
There will be two pools in STARS Master Chef:
1. STARS only pool: a pool where users can directly stake their STARS tokens
2. STARS ETH pool: a pool where Uniswap liquidity providers can stake their STARS ETH tokens
A total of 40 million STARS tokens will be distributed to Mogul users through this growth campaign. 90 percent of the rewards will be distributed to the STARS ETH pool and 10 percent of the rewards will be distrbuted to the STARS_ETH pool and 10% of the rewards will be distributed to the STARS pool.
10% of STARS will be given to participants over a 3–4 month period.
This is a brief summary of the Growth Farming. More details can be found in this link